West Hermosa Street Project Event Press Release


Corridor and Neighborhood Improvements for Lindsay’s West Hermosa Corridor

Lindsay, CA – To make West Hermosa Street safer, attractive, and inviting to people who walk, bike, take the bus, drive, or get around by other means, the City of Lindsay is developing a Corridor and Neighborhood Enhancement Plan. Between May 23 and 25, 2022, the City of Lindsay will host events at the Wellness Center for the public and businesses to share ideas for improving this corridor. Additional activities will be held with students and parents at Jefferson Elementary.

  • You can be part of the design team at the West Hermosa Design WorkshopMonday, 5/23, 6-8 PM (Wellness Center, 860 North Sequoia)

  • Take a Walking Assessment of West Hermosa with the design team on Tuesday, 5/24 from 8:30-9:30 a.m. (Jefferson Elementary, 333 North Westwood)

  • Drop by for a quick chat with the design team at the Open House on Tuesday, 5/24 from 4–6 p.m. (City Hall, 251 E. Honolulu)

  • Come see the initial proposals based on the community input at the Recommendations Workshop on Wednesday, 5/25 from 6–7:30 PM (Wellness Center)

Community members of all ages and abilities are encouraged to attend these events to help shape the conversation around rethinking the 3/4-mile length of West Hermosa Street from the State Route 65 western entrance into the downtown area. Director of City Services and Planning, Neyba Amezcua says, “these events will be a fun and engaging way for residents to be involved with planning for the City.”

The City recently had popup booths at the Orange Blossom Festival and Lindsay Friday Night Market to begin asking residents to help identify ideas and strategies to transform the corridor into a gateway to downtown. Ideas were shared for complete streets designs for roadway, sidewalk, and intersection changes to support safety, operations, access, and mobility for all modes and users of all ages and abilities. 

The City also has made available an online interactive map survey where residents can identify issues or concerns that the plan should address. Just drop a pin on the map and add your comments! The map survey is accessible from the City Services website at bit.ly/westhermosaplan.

Following these events, the consultant team will develop the plan and return to Lindsay in a few months to present the final results to the community and City Council. It will provide guidance on how the City can make infrastructure and other improvements on the corridor to better support access to businesses, services and the nearby residential neighborhoods.

The West Hermosa Street Corridor and Neighborhood Enhancement Plan is a project of the City of Lindsay City Services Department in partnership with CivicWell and KTUA. This project is funded through a Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant awarded to the City of Lindsay.

Residents are encouraged to participate and help shape the direction for this area of Lindsay. Food and refreshments will be provided during the events. 

For more information, visit the Lindsay City Services Department website at bit.ly/westhermosaplan or call 559-562-7102 x4.